Saturday, August 23, 2008

New Start...

So, with the new semester starting soon, I thought I would take a minute to update my blog and list a few things that are happening right now.

The biggest change in my life right now has been the change of scenery. I moved into a small house down town and have really been enjoying it. It was a train wreck when Tanner, Gage, and I found it, but its has come a long way. We spent the better part of a week fixing it up; painting, scrubbing and repairing minor problems. It really was a fun project though. It feels good to have accomplished something significant. I will have to post some pictures of the newly revamped place.

I am also trying to fix up an old road bike. I have wanted to build a Fixie for some time now, just lacked the money and know-how to do so. My neighbor seems to know quite a bit and has an old frame I think he wants to unload. We'll see if I can get up the cash.

Well, that pretty much sums up my adventures of late. Still going on dates. Still looking. Next time I'll post pictures.

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